The makers

Frank Schwiemanngraduate designer
The object designer has been experimenting with textile high-tech materials and lightweight construction methods since he was 15. The roots are in kite making. His sophisticated designs move between art and design. At airformance design he is the boss at the sewing machine and for the big picture.

Christine Schwartinggraduate designer
Studied visual communication at the FH Aachen (major in video). She went to sea, was an art director in a web agency and a lecturer at the FH Hamburg. Design, organisation and distribution, among other things, are in their hands.

Christoph SturmVisual marketing designer
With airformance design since 2006, he first successfully completed his training. His tasks include the technical design of the objects and the real production in the in-house studio. His friends are called: cutter, bending machine and laptop.

Julia SchlömerAspiring visual marketing designer
2019 has found Julia airformance (not the other way around). We are very happy about that, because: Julia is open-minded, full of ideas, ready for new things and always friendly. Who wouldn’t want to have such a competent and nice colleague?

Ute Meier-KrüllThe lady at the sewing machine
Bundle of energy with built-in sewing foot. She has been providing straight and cross stitch since 2006. Overlock could be her nickname. She provides the team with nerve food, which is accepted with deep gratitude.

Tobias Schmitzgraduate designer
Studied object design at the FH Aachen and founded, among others, with Frank Schwiemann “back then” the Designbrauerei. What began as a joint study studio he now continues professionally with offices in Cologne and Aachen. As a freelancer with the driest sense of humour, he supports the team in the workshop and at events.