BIG / 3D Letters Logo

3D letter logo: use as a photo background

“BIG” … To be precise, the letters were 150cm high and 30cm deep. The 3D objects served as a background for a photo shoot.

The default font was first translated into a construction method. We call this process technical design at airformance design. Here it is considered how the aluminum profile can be used to build the forms true to the original and stable. The important question is always: What does the material do? You cannot install struts in all places. At some points, the stretch fabric may lie unattractively over the profile and thus create an unattractive accent.

The white covering of the 3D letters took place in the BIG lettering on the front and on the sides. We made a cover for each letter. In this case, the connection between the aluminum substructure and the fabric worked with Velcro. The back of each letter was made of a solid material.

If you are planning a similar project, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have:

# 3Dlogo #letters #big #photohackground #tv #photo motif #stretch fabric #airformance