3D sheets for stage set
Stage objects: Textile arches
In this stage design by Gunther Hecker, four textile 3D arches accompanied a huge mirror ball laminated in black on one side. Each arch element was 8 m long and 1.5 m high as deep. Two objects each flew right and left, framing the set in an almost graphic fashion. The covers made of stretch fabric B1 were grateful and versatile projection surfaces.
The optimisation of the arches was carried out with regard to the tight construction times and packing dimensions of the music tour. The material stress in such projects is high due to the multiple installations and transports. In retrospect, it can be stated with a clear conscience that the airformance lightweight structures made of white stretch fabric B1 and an aluminium substructure fully met the requirements of a tour. We got very positive feedback from the production. Thanks for that.